So it's been awhile since been here, i've been so caught up with life itself that i forgot how much i enjoy writing on my blog!! Anywho, ok so my job has been so CRAZY, my co-worker decides that she rather be @ home with her 5 kids. That's good that she can do that just because i was blessed to be with my kiddos until the last one started 1st grade. But @ the same time i'm gonna be left training & starting over with someone else when the school year is almost!!!...Oh well, it is what it is I always say...
What else happened that makes me so happy but @ the same time sad because my little girl Alyssa turned 7yrs this month!!..now i'm planning her 1st skating party & i'm having fun just the lil bit that i have started on. I want to celebrate each birthday for all of my children because those are times that I want all of us to cherish as each year passes by...just thinking about it, i get teary eyed...But they're happy tears....

I'm happy to see you back on...blogging world missed you for the time you were MIA.