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To New Beginnings in 2010
So were in 2010!!!! I can actually say that 2 weeks that I was in vacation I ENJOYED IT!!!..I mean my husband & I hosted Christmas Eve, Christmas Day & New Year's Eve & survived!! No seriously I loved being with my family & my husband's family...I'm being very honest only because there's been in the past that we have family gatherings & all I can say is that thank goodness we only see each other on special occasions!!!...But this time it felt really special, we made a gingerbread house on Christmas Eve & played "Guesstures"...than on Christmas we played catch up with my husband's family...
The 2 weeks that I had been off I had been thinking about what do I want to accomplish i'm not going to label it, i'm just going to put it on My Bucket & plus our friends invited us to Costa Rica so u know what that means it's sweatin time!!!...But seriously i've always been the type to start sumthing but never finishes. I choose to no longer be this to "NEW BEGINNINGS"...
Awesome...I'm having a hard time with my family because once again I didn't see them for the holidays....driving them crazy! LOL! It's good that you were able to play games with the kids and put up with your in laws...cross my fingers and hope to do the same one day.