Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
Today was the 1st day of school for all my 3 kids. Patrick started 7th grade, Jacob 3rd & Alyssa 1st grade. It was kinda a whirlwind this morning & i was kinda cranky bcuz in my mind i had it all planned out how this morning was going to be. & it didnt turn out that way. But than i got over it. I feel blessed though because i got to take my 2 younger kids with me. Jacob is usually my whiner but because he knew that i was going to be there he was great plus he had already met his teachers in orientation. Now Patrick is my oldest & he surely showed it today. He's so mature, i didnt have to go with him, he didnt ask me either. It had crossed my mind @ one point but the more i thought about it the more i knew i would be overdoing it. Now Alyssa also did awesome for a 1st grader!! Her teacher said she did very good aside from her talking without permission..lol (my husband says she's Claudia jr...lol)..of course you know i had to take a picture to remember another special moment...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Ok so today is my bday..i worked, but that's ok only because i feel really blessed to have a job where i can take my kids!!!..But for the most part it just felt like any other day. I'm not saying this to have pitty on me, but that's how i felt...I guess because all i wanted was my camera...I have a camera but with the camera that i would like to have, i can do so much more. I can't explain but i feel like my passion is just growing more inside me each day...Don't you worry i'll make it happen!! By the end of the year I WILL GET IT....

Monday, August 17, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
So today is the last day of the weekend & im getting ready to go back to work. My birthday is in a couple of days but im really not going to do anything. Really all i wanted was my camera. So for the most part im going to work & go to Jacob's practice. I really didnt plan anything for my bday only because it's around the time that we're getting ready for the kids schools. Its ok though because im going to get my camera before the year ends. In the mean time im still using the camera i have & it hasn't let me down yet. So it will do.

Friday, August 14, 2009
So here it is, Jacob's jersey!!...TaDa!!!...It would have been better if he were playing for the Dallas Cowboys but we'll settle for the Steelers..lol. Now tomorrow is there weigh-in. Whatever that means, im assuming they are going to make sure that he's in the right age group & plus his weight has to be at a certain #..But who knows..cuz i sure don't!!..lol. His 1st game is next weekend & we're so excited. My brother & his family are going & maybe my parents. So this will be a day to remember. Patrick my oldest will soon be playing sum sports but that won't start when he starts middle school. So im sure we're going to be buzzzy bees!!..well that's it for tonite..Buenas Noches...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Ok so today is the Dallas Cowboys 1st scrimmage game & my husband is jumping 4 joy!!!..lol You don't understand my husband lives & breaths football..so when i put Jacob in football he was the proudest daddy..Now that we're used to a routine i need to start looking for a routine also for my only daughter...she's the kinda lil girl that can do anything. & so i want to just pretty much keep her busy & always have her trying new things...i cant wait...(this pic was taken 4yrs ago but it's still one of my favorites!!)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Ok so i just got home from Jacob's scrimmage & i was kinda upset because he was just not hitting enough!!! I never thought in a million years that i would be saying that..lol. But for the most part for a kid that has never played he's doing pretty good. Yesterday on his bday he told me "I should stay home today because it's a special day so i shouldn't go to practice"..I giggled because he was so serious. So we stayed home. But it was off to football today, next spring we're baseball, which that's another one of his favorite sports. Once Jacob is used to his routine, Alyssa will be next & well Patrick is going to start with the sports once school starts. But that's what i want is to keep them busy & active. At the same time i get busy myself. You know what that means PICTURE TIME!!!

Monday, August 10, 2009
My lil one turned 8yrs old today!!! I got off of work early so we could spent it together, my mom & lil brother & my in-laws came to eat cake & ice cream..it was really nice & intimate...yesterday he got a dwarf hamster that he wanted for his bday...that's really all he wanted!!!..Everytime my kids have a birthday i think it's another year that they won't need me as much..but at the same time it makes me happy that we are blessed to have 3 beautiful children that are celebrating one more year of life. But than i start to think again that soon they will be all grown up...bitter sweet...

Thursday, August 6, 2009
my future camera...lol
Got home not to long ago, had a good day..was busy all day so it made my day go fast..right now im watching a Disney movie with Alyssa (boys r @ football practice)..just thinking how 1st day of school is around the corner!!!..& all i can think about is how many pictures im gonna be taking!!..lol..but on a serious note im really wondering how long it will take for me to get my special camera that takes awesome pics!!!..the other day Jacob had his 1st scrimmage game & with the camera i have it would take good pics but when the boys were running it wasn't pretty..anywho..i will make it happen, i will get the camera of my dreams...aaahhh sweet dream!!!...lol

Monday, August 3, 2009
Just @ home
Ok so right now im @ home with Alyssa while the boys (including my hubby) are @ Jacob's football practice..btw did i mention that we are listening to Alyssa's favorite artist..Michael Jackson..& yes she's only 6yrs!! She likes to hear his music in the house, in the truck if she could have it her way she would listen to it 24/7..But her brother's want to burn that cd bcuz they are sooo tired of it!!..lol..so today i had a long day @ work..& when i got home just wanted to relax..but you know how that works you think about what you want & do the opposite...well my bday is coming up & all i keep thinking about is my camera (my nice camera)..but will see that too...sumtimes priorities linger over you & well you gotta do what you need to do not what you want to do...right?..Good things come to those who wait...

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